Profile PictureJulián Rojas Millán

Substance Designer Microcylinder Cloth MDL sbs file.

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Substance Designer Microcylinder Cloth MDL sbs file.

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A little exercise on MDL creation, this time for the microcylinder cloth model explained in this presentation 'Sharing Physically Based Materials between Renderers MDL' for SIGGRAPH 2014 (Reference to the original paper in the presentation).

This can serve as a base to understand MDL and I hope you find it useful.

Read the following license for complete conditions.


- The main goals of this package are both learning and education. Feel free to use the content of this package to learn, explore, reference and teach others if you find the content good enough for such purposes.

- The file included as well as any file derived from the original .sbs or any transformation of it can be use for personal and commercial projects, as long as the main goal of said project is not the selling of the file set itself or a 3D asset that relies on it. In other words: the file can be included in any build of games, VR simulation, animation or similar, but they can't be sell by their own in any meaningful way.

- Digital products are non-refundable.

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- Substance Designer Microcylinder Cloth MDL sbs file
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